Rachel & Dan's Wedding [Chantilly National Golf & Country Club]

Rachel & Dan is one of those powerhouse couples where everything just falls into place flawlessly.  Daniel is a very easy going and sincere person by heart and Rachel is a just a blessing with her kindness and care she provides in people's lives.  Their simplistic, intimate wedding was held at Chantilly National Golf & Country Club

The day was a little chilly, and timing was delayed, but somehow we managed to capture the peak of golden sunset hour, many couples can't experience, due to nature of fast-paced wedding day.  Overall, it was a very intimate wedding of friends and family that consisted of so many emotions consisting of happiness, laughter, and tears throughout the day.  This wedding is a memorable one and I wish Rachel&Dan many years of happiness and prosperity throughout the next chapter of their lives. 

I would also like to thank Theresa Choi for being my 2nd and always a pleasure to work with!